Dharma Yoga with Yiannis Andritsos
10 Nis Cum
|Zen-in Wellness & Meditation
Our beloved brother Yiannis is back to share more with the İstanbul sangha!

Saat ve Yer
10 Nis 2020 19:30 – 12 Nis 2020 14:00
Zen-in Wellness & Meditation, Rumeli Hisarı, Kışlak Sk. no:28/1, 34470 Sarıyer/İstanbul, Turkey
Etkinlik Hakkında
Yiannis Andritsos, one of the most beloved Dharma Yoga teachers all around the world, is back in Istanbul!
The weekend will start off on Friday evening with Maha Shakti class of 2 hours.
On Saturday, we will start with Psychic Development Techniques and Yoga Nidra session, followed by a strong Dharma Yoga practice - Master Sadhana. The purifying practices prepare the body for the Master Sadhana; so don't feel discouraged, you can easily join both sessions!
This charging weekend will be finalized by a signature Dharma Yoga practice, which serves as a celebration of yoga teachings, on Sunday. The 3-hour Maha Sadhana session is a rare gem - don't miss it!
The entire weekend is prepared to purify and strengthen your body and mind and give you the most needed rejuvenation for the Spring. You will feel lighter, happier, balanced, and more peaceful.
What is most beautiful about Dharma Yoga practice is that in every class (doesn't matter what name the class holds), all levels of practitioners can find something that speaks to their heart, body, and mind. All are welcomed.
So, come one, come all!
Below, you will find the program details:
April 10TH, Friday
19.30-21.30 Maha Shakti
April 11TH, Saturday
11:00-13:00 Psychic Development & Yoga Nidra
13:15-15:30 Master Class
April 12TH, Sunday
11:00-14:00 Maha Sadhana
April 10th, Friday
19.30-21.30 Maha Shakti
The carefully selected inspirational Yoga postures in Sri Dharma Mittra's Shiva Namaskar Vinyasa series are a culmination of his 50 years dedicated service to humanity. This practice includes breathing exercises, Surya Namaskar and Shiva Namaskar (postures), and finishes with deep relaxation. Attendees will be exposed to a well-rounded practice in the classical Hatha-Raja yoga.
April 11th, Saturday
11:00-13:00 Psychic Development & Yoga Nidra
(This two-hour session is suitable for all levels of practitioners and does not include asana practice.)
Psychic Development Techniques: The practitioners will learn ancient practices to improve concentration and to bring great clarity in the mind, in order for their thoughts to become creative and powerful. The session includes breathing exercises, visualization techniques, and mantras, in order to help the practitioner to remove impure thoughts from the intellect. This technique has been passed down from a teacher to a student directly, by the grace of the teacher.
Yoga Nidra: Yoga Nidra is the best antidote for all impurities, it dispels tension and fatigue in the physical body; relieves depression, anxiety, craving; rejuvenates and energizes all systems – physical and subtle – bolstering the human’s natural healing capacity, leading to integral purification of all aspects of human being (physical, energetic, emotional, mental and spiritual). As a result of this practice, the attendees will increase energy and will experience the feeling of bliss and peace. It is one of the most profound divine techniques that Sri Dharma Mittra shares with all his students. Not to be missed!
April 11th, Saturday
13:15-15:30 Master Class
The carefully selected inspirational Yoga postures in Sri Dharma Mittra's Shiva Namaskar Vinyasa series are a culmination of his 50 years dedicated service to humanity. This session will challenge attendees to go deep into their practice in order to achieve great results; it will be a combination of inversions, backbends, hip openers, and forward bends, finishing with deep relaxation.
April 12th, Sunday
11:00-14:00 Maha Sadhana
This three-hour session will cover many aspects of Hatha-Raja yoga. The carefully selected inspirational Yoga postures in Sri Dharma Mittra's Shiva Namaskar Vinyasa series are a culmination of his 50 years dedicated service to humanity. Besides the asana practice, the attendees will experience the practices of kriya, pranayama, asana, deep relaxation, and Satsang. (Satsang is a practice, during which the teacher will share spiritual knowledge as passed down to him from his master. The students will have a chance to ask questions about the practice they have received. This practice concludes with a meditation practice created by Sri Dharma Mittra.)
Friday - Maha Shakti - 200 ₺
Saturday - Psychic Development & Yoga Nidra - 200 ₺
Saturday - Master Class - 200 ₺
Saturday - ALL DAY - 370 ₺
Sunday - Maha Sadhana - 270 ₺
ALL WEEKEND - 9 hours of practice - 760 ₺
· Open to all levels of practitioners. (Modifications will be provided upon your request depending on your requirements and limitations.)
· Workshops will be in English, without translation.
· If you have any health-related issues, please inform the program instructor or his assistant before registration.
Notes about enrollment:
· Once you get in touch with us, we will send you an e-mail with bank transfer information. All payments must be made BEFORE the day of the workshops if you wish to reserve your spot. We limit the attendance to 30 people for maximum efficiency.
· Cancellations by the attendees are not subject to refunds.
· Payments on the day of the event (depending on availability) can only be accepted in CASH.
· SUJALA / Dharma Yoga İstanbul students receive 10% discount.
Yiannis Andritsos
Yiannis moved to New York from a small island in Greece in 2002. Upon arriving, without knowing anyone, or even how to speak English, Yiannis found his way to his Guru, Sri Dharma Mittra. In the presence of Dharma, Yiannis transformed his life and purified his body and mind, to reveal his true spirit. Under the constant guidance of daily sessions with Dharma for over 10 years, Yiannis Mukta Om, received transmission of the teachings of yoga. In 2013, after 10 years of devoted and dedicated daily practice, Yiannis Mukta Om, has been charged with sharing the teachings of Sri Dharma Mittra all over the world. A devoted practitioner of Self-Realization, as passed down to him directly from Sri Dharma Mittra, Yiannis Mukta Om, embodies the deep inner strength and playful nature of his Guru.
Yiannis Mukta Om is continuing his journey as the living example of the true essence of yoga. He is established in the ethical precepts, able to share all the tricks of the asana, qualified to pass on the techniques of pranayama, and able to direct the practitioner to go beyond the senses, the mind, and the intellect into deeper states of meditation and realization that he has cultivated from being by the side of Dharma for so many years.